In April 2011, Tana's grandsons Jamai and Terrel came to Atlanta to live with "Nana" and "Popi." Check in with us periodically for the latest in pictures and stories about the new adventure.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Men in Black


Here is Jamai in the RoH Christmas play "BethleOz", playing the part of the microphone!

And here he is in the curtain call at the end of the play

Terrel was also in the play, as one of the Munchkins (blue shirt)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My allowance

Every week, Jamai and Terrel get a dollar each for their allowance. They earn this sum for the jobs they each have around the house.  This evening, Jamai walks up to me and hands me these 2 quarters. I asked him what were these, and with a straight face, he says to me "You earned these for doing such a great job as our Popi, and for taking such good care of us."

Did I take the quarters? Damn right, and said Thank you very much!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Belt test 10-11-14

Jamai breaking a board with flying kick

Terrel breaking a board with flying kick


Saturday, August 2, 2014

Monkey Boy

Nana calls Terrel Monkey Boy since he loves to climb all over everything, including Popi, as you can see!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Our Lego Gallery

Jamai and Terrel really love playing with Legos, and the toy seems to be unleashing all kinds of creative design and building. Here are 4 recent creations:


Hero Factory Guy

Weapons Factory

Australian Castle

Wednesday, January 29, 2014